16th Annual Philly's Heroes memorial Ride
Sun, Jun 11
|Brandywine Harley Davidson

Time & Location
Jun 11, 2023, 8:30 AM
Brandywine Harley Davidson, 1241 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317, USA
About the event
Date: June 11, 2023
Destination: F.O.P Lodge 5 (11630 Caroline Road Philadelphia) which is the meeting spot for 16th Annual Philly’s Heroes Memorial Ride. This is a police Escorted Ride from FOP Lodge 5 in Philadelphia to Keenan’s in North Wildwood, NJ. Escorted Ride is approximately 100 Miles.
KSU: 8:30 AM
Meeting Location: Front of Brandywine Harley Davidson Dealership
Approximate distance/miles: Approximetly 230 miles Round Trip
Cost: $25 donation for Escorted Ride; + Tolls, Gas, snacks
Description of Ride: Highways to F.O.P Lodge 5 in Philly. Check In & Take Part in Police Escorted Ride from Philly To North Wildwood
(see flyer in discussion for details).
Brandywine HOG Ride ends at starting point of Escorted ride.
Other Comments: All Members should bring necessary safety equipment to every ride. This includes,
but is not limited to: a HELMET for every rider and passenger, Proper Eyewear for day AND night riding, an EZ Pass transceiver in case of tolls, Rain Gear, Cash in addition to plastic, and extra clothing for warmth if needed.
Ride Lead: Joe W.
Contact Number and Email: cell: 215-290-2236 Email: jwilsonpsu@yahoo.com